Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Facts About Body Contouring

Many people associate cosmetic surgery with the alteration of facial features; with perhaps a few exceptions, the things that usually spring to mind if cosmetic surgery is mentioned are rhinoplasty, the face lift, and so on. However, cosmetic surgery for the body is an equally important category, and that's even without taking breast augmentation into consideration. It's clear that people are concerned about their overall appearance, and this means that any sort of aesthetic issue can have negative effects. If people have concerns about their own physical features, it can keep them from enjoying their lives to the fullest, and for some people, even regarding the body as opposed to the face, the issue cannot be corrected effectively through any means but cosmetic surgery. The majority of cosmetic surgical procedures involving the body are referred to collectively as "body contouring". These procedures seek to alter the contours of the body, which is usually accomplished by removing excess body fat or other tissues as well as by lifting the remaining tissues.

The most popular body contouring procedure is lipo suction. In liposuction, the surgeon uses a surgical tube device called a cannula and a suction device called an aspirator to extract fat. A small incision is made in the area in question, and liquid is introduced to the area to balance out the quantity of fat being removed. Liposuction is so popular because of its effectiveness in addressing a problem faced by many people. It is not used as a weight-loss method, as the actual quantity of fat eliminated is quite small; rather, liposuction is for healthy individuals who, despite sufficient exercise, are unable to get eliminate fat from specific problem areas. Common problem areas include the midsection, the legs, below the chin, and the love handles. Recently, more specialized liposuction procedures such as Liposculpture and SmartLipo have emerged, which target more specific areas and come with even fewer drawbacks.

Another common operation, particularly among women, is the abdominoplasty, also known as the "tummy tuck." This procedure aims to tighten loose skin and excise tissues causing the appearance of looseness from the midsection, a challenge which is especially common with individuals who have experienced significant weight loss, as well as women who have experienced pregnancy. Depending on the extensiveness of the operation, incisions can be made in different locations. Occasionally, the operation may be completed with the use of only one incision. The navel may be repositioned in the course of the tummy tuck operation if necessary.

Body lifts are another type of body contouring. These include thigh lifts and buttock lifts. These are similar procedures in that, in both, excess fat and possibly skin are removed and the remaining tissues are tightened in the target areas. They result in a more youthful, tighter appearance to the area. A thigh lift and buttock lift can be combined with an abdominoplasty, and this expanded operation is referred to as a lower body lift. Conversely, the upper body lift combines the upper arm lift, a procedure involving the removal of excess tissue from the back of the upper arm, and the breast lift, which targets sagging breasts and may also be done alongside breast augmentation surgery in some cases. The upper and lower body lift may be combined into a "full body lift," one of the most drastic cosmetic surgical procedures available.

Certain types of implants, including buttock implants and calf implants, are also considered part of the body contouring category. Buttock implants aim to add or restore volume to the buttocks, and also lend a tighter look and sensation. Some genetic issues which lead to a reduction in muscle tone of the legs are also often addressed through the use of calf implants. They are also often chosen simply for cosmetic reasons. This is an operation particularly popular among bodybuilders, because the calves are very difficult to build up even when the "correct" training program is used.

Any surgical procedure involves certain risks, and the patient must also adhere to a strict recovery plan. Consult with a surgeon to find out if any of these procedures is appropriate for you.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

How to use the BabyComfyNose Nasal Aspirator

BabyComfyNose Nasal Aspirator - The 'Snoover' Snot Hoover

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Tips to Turn Off Post Nasal Drip

Each day our body produces about 2 quarts of fluid to lubricate the mucous membranes in our sinuses, nose, mouth and throat. These normally flow down to the back of the throat down to the stomach with the help of the cilia. But from time to time, mucous would dry up and thicken. This would slow down the cilia and in case of a virus, the cilia would stop waving all together. You'd suddenly be aware of a post nasal drip. So how can you get that mucous back to its ordinary watery self? Stopping post nasal drip can be quite easy.

You have to blow your nose regularly; this simple act eliminates some excessive nasal drainage from the front of the nose.

You can also flush with salt water solution using an aspirator. You can wash that mucus clogged feeling and even the bad breath that comes with it. ½ teaspoon of salt is suggested with 8 ounces of water. It can be quite uncomfortable at first but it will get easier. You can flush your nose 3 times a day for 5 days if need.

Gargling with saltwater may also help you find relief as this help clear the throat and voice box problems due to excessive post nasal drainage.

Opting to avoid chili, curry and spices may also help in stopping post nasal drip. Irritants in food such as mentioned can cause chronic nasal problems. Milk is also viewed to cause the growth of bacteria and mold in our throat as it is has lactose that feeds these organisms.

Avoid stress and drink lots of fluids. Herb tea with lemon and honey or just warm lemon can help nasal drainage go down than fighting it by clearing the throat. Don't overuse decongestants in stopping post nasal drip. They're inappropriate and should only be used when you have a documented sinus infection. Some new antihypertensive medications can also cause symptoms of post nasal drip when people actually have heartburn. You may also think about discussing your Pill with your gynecologist as changes in the estrogen level can directly affect nasal drainage problems.

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Preventing People From Dying by Clearing Their Airways of Fluid!

When people are in situations where they are unable to look after themselves whether that be due to illness, old age or infancy, it is sometimes necessary to use equipment to prevent that person from dying. I don't mean the sort of equipment that needs the skill of a surgeon or a doctor or a trained nurse but equipment that does the job and can be used by anyone.

The item I am focusing on is something I came across in my work for a medical company. The Hand powered Vitalograph Aspirator which can be used by anyone once they know where to place it to remove any blockages. The Vitalograph Aspirator is used when a person is either sick or in some way gets a fluid blockage in their throat.

What happens a lot of the time with things like vomit is that if the person is lying on their back the fluid will have nowhere to go and this causes something called Laryngospasm which allows you to breath out but doesn't allow you to breath in. This stops the person breathing the fluid into their lungs but prevents them from breathing.

Hence why it is so important that if you do come across somebody that is unconscious on their back that seems to be having problems with there breathing, to get them into the recovery position as soon as you can. What the Vitalograph Aspirator does is when the handle is pumped the Vitalograph Aspirator creates a vacuum which draws the fluid into the body of the hand held device removing it from airways and allowing the patient to breath. If for some reason the patients airways keep getting filled with liquid the Vitalograph Aspirator will just start pumping the fluid out of the back of it rather than stop functioning.

A lot of people aren't aware of this useful bit of kit or the recovery position and I find it amazing that something as simple as a hand pump can save lives. I Wanted to write this article so that more people were aware of it and could ensure that they either had the equipment available in their place of work be it a pool or the beach or knew what might be happening to the person and get them into a position (the recovery position)where the fluid to drain away from the person.

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Cold and flu: How to decongest your baby's nose

How to clear your baby's blocked nose with sea water. To clean and clear your child's congested nasal passages due to a cold, flu, upper respiratory infection such as sinusitis, allergies, or nasal dryness.

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