Monday, June 14, 2010

Preventing People From Dying by Clearing Their Airways of Fluid!

When people are in situations where they are unable to look after themselves whether that be due to illness, old age or infancy, it is sometimes necessary to use equipment to prevent that person from dying. I don't mean the sort of equipment that needs the skill of a surgeon or a doctor or a trained nurse but equipment that does the job and can be used by anyone.

The item I am focusing on is something I came across in my work for a medical company. The Hand powered Vitalograph Aspirator which can be used by anyone once they know where to place it to remove any blockages. The Vitalograph Aspirator is used when a person is either sick or in some way gets a fluid blockage in their throat.

What happens a lot of the time with things like vomit is that if the person is lying on their back the fluid will have nowhere to go and this causes something called Laryngospasm which allows you to breath out but doesn't allow you to breath in. This stops the person breathing the fluid into their lungs but prevents them from breathing.

Hence why it is so important that if you do come across somebody that is unconscious on their back that seems to be having problems with there breathing, to get them into the recovery position as soon as you can. What the Vitalograph Aspirator does is when the handle is pumped the Vitalograph Aspirator creates a vacuum which draws the fluid into the body of the hand held device removing it from airways and allowing the patient to breath. If for some reason the patients airways keep getting filled with liquid the Vitalograph Aspirator will just start pumping the fluid out of the back of it rather than stop functioning.

A lot of people aren't aware of this useful bit of kit or the recovery position and I find it amazing that something as simple as a hand pump can save lives. I Wanted to write this article so that more people were aware of it and could ensure that they either had the equipment available in their place of work be it a pool or the beach or knew what might be happening to the person and get them into a position (the recovery position)where the fluid to drain away from the person.

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